Soulful Feminine Serum Essential Blend

Updated: May 6


  • Support Stress, Sleep and Skin care

Immerse yourself in the delightful world of aromatics and experience the power of nature's healing scents. Transform your space of tranquility and embrace the natural goodness that essential oils have to offer.


Starting your morning with coffee and essential oils sounds like a great way to kickstart your day with a positive mindset! Here's a personalised morning routine incorporating those elements:

Wake Up Refreshed: Aim to wake up at a consistent time each morning to establish a healthy sleep routine. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night to ensure you're well-rested.

Brew Coffee: Begin your morning by brewing a fresh cup of coffee. The aroma and caffeine boost will help wake you up and provide a sense of comfort and familiarity to start your day.

Mindfulness with Essential Oils: While your coffee is brewing, take a moment for mindfulness with essential oils. Choose a scent that uplifts your mood and promotes focus, such as lemon, peppermint, or lavender blend. You can apply it to pulse points, or simply inhale it deeply while taking a few minutes to centre yourself and set positive intentions for the day ahead.


Creating a deep sleep environment with essential oils can be a wonderful addition to your evening routine. Here's how you can incorporate essential oils to promote restful sleep:

Create a Bedtime Ritual: Establish a calming bedtime ritual to signal to your body that it's time for sleep. This could include activities like gentle stretching, reading a book, or practicing gratitude journaling.

Apply Essential Oils: Dilute a few drops of your chosen essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil, then apply it to pulse points such as your wrists, temples, and the back of your neck. The scent will linger on your skin, providing a gentle reminder of relaxation as you drift off to sleep.

Unplug from Electronics: Minimize exposure to screens and electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted from screens can disrupt your body's natural sleep-wake cycle, making it harder to fall asleep.


Hydration is paramount in skincare, and a facial serum serves as a concentrated source of nourishment, wrapped in a luxurious oil to replenish and revitalise your skin. Our curated formula incorporates the finest essential oils renowned for their skin-enhancing properties, creating a simple yet effective DIY beauty recipe that takes just a minute to prepare. By blending the calming qualities of Lavender and Geranium with the skin-supporting attributes of Frankincense, Palmarosa, and Cedarwood, this serum becomes a potent elixir for maintaining a healthy and radiant complexion. With only sixty seconds needed for a moisturising boost, this recipe is a skincare essential you won't want to miss. Apply to skin with your current beauty rituals as required.


Lavender, with its delicate floral essence, carries profound meaning in various cultures and traditions. Beyond its enchanting aroma, lavender symbolizes tranquility, purity, and serenity. It is revered for its ability to soothe the senses, calm the mind, and promote inner peace. Lavender's meaningful presence extends beyond its blossoms, touching hearts and spirits with its gentle and healing energy.

Frankincense, deeply rooted in earth's bounty, holds profound significance across cultures and centuries. Revered for its rich aroma and sacred essence, frankincense embodies the interconnectedness between humanity and the natural world. Its earthy scent evokes a sense of grounding, stability, and reverence for the earth's gifts. Symbolising spirituality, wisdom, and transcendence, frankincense carries a profound message of meaningfulness, inviting us to connect with the essence of life itself and find solace in the beauty of the earth's treasures.

Palmarosa, with its delicate floral fragrance, carries profound meaningfulness in the realm of aromatherapy and holistic wellness. Beyond its pleasant aroma, palmarosa symbolises harmony, balance, and emotional healing. This gentle yet powerful botanical essence encourages us to embrace our inner peace and find equilibrium amidst life's challenges. With its soothing properties and ability to uplift the spirit, palmarosa serves as a reminder of the beauty of resilience and the transformative power of inner growth. Its floral essence whispers of renewal, awakening, and the endless possibilities of the human spirit.

Cedarwood, rooted deeply in the earth's embrace, embodies profound meaningfulness in both spiritual and practical realms. Symbolising strength, resilience, and grounding, cedarwood evokes a deep connection to the natural world and the wisdom of the ages. Its earthy aroma carries a sense of stability and security, inviting us to find solace in the embrace of Mother Earth. Cedarwood's presence reminds us of our innate connection to the earth and encourages us to stand tall, rooted firmly in our values and beliefs. With its grounding energy, cedarwood inspires us to navigate life's journey with grace, strength, and purpose.

Geranium, with its delicate floral essence, holds profound significance in the realm of aromatherapy and symbolism. Beyond its sweet aroma, geranium symbolizes balance, harmony, and emotional healing. Its gentle yet uplifting fragrance encourages us to find equilibrium amidst life's ups and downs, fostering a sense of inner peace and well-being. Geranium's meaningful presence reminds us to nurture ourselves with kindness and compassion, embracing our emotions with grace and acceptance. Like a blooming flower, geranium inspires growth, renewal, and the beauty of embracing our authentic selves.

DIY Supplies

​​​​​​​Soulful Steps

  1. Add the drops of Lavender, Palmarosa, Cedarwood, Frankincense, and Geranium essential oils to the dropper bottle. 

  2. Top the bottle off with the jojoba, grape seed, rose hip, or Fractionated Coconut Oil as desired in a combination or single base carrier blend.

Add a few drops to the palms of your hand and gently massage the serum into your skin. Enjoy the serum’s beautifully earthy, floral aroma and see the benefits of these expertly chosen essential oils on your skin. Or apply to body points ( wrists and ankles ) before a meditation or yoga session.




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