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7 Day Soulful Self-Care for the Senses

Updated: 2 days ago

Did you know Self care looks different on everyone!

Dig deep with these 5 tips to help make a shift with simple steps in my 7-day self-care program that can help you prioritise your over-all well-being and health goals. Remember, self-care is about nourishing your mind, body, and soul. Access recipes, weekly rituals and enjoy exclusive giveaways!

How to Start a Self Care Routine

Follow these easy and fun 3 Steps to Create Your Personal Plan!

Step 1. First identify your love language, Click here: take quick free quiz

Unlocking your top 3 things that bring you joy will keep you in the game long term.

Step 2. Apply 1-3 rituals into your 7 day self care schedule, its vital to make it happen!

Register and follow the FREE Women's Circle + Email Mini Essentials Series to receive your planner and checklist. I look forward to seeing you in the Live Q&A and free recipes!

Steps 3. Open your Free Self care planner to page13 and complete the life balance wheel!

Colour or shade in your wellness circle 8 life categories that keep your life moving in a better direction, you now have created a personal wellness plan that is perfect your lifestyle and your needs! Want to add pure ingredients to support your weekly routine become a wellness advocate!

CHECK OUT! Ideas and inspirations to help design your informed self care routine. ( scroll down, not tombs a thing ).


Healing the heart and soul applying happy hormone protocols and body care practices with aromatic compounds evoke memories of the subconscious self, bring awareness to parts of our live that requires attention with simple steps to release, nourish and harmonies our senses.

Collective healing brings the balance of body and mind to connect with heart and activate healthy habits making the shift and translation to feeling better from the inside, out...

If you are experiencing any areas that require attention like: low energy, poor sleep, weight gain, brain fog, emotionally triggered or under extra stress this program is for you!

Pick and prioritise 3 practices to personalise your journey!

What are your top 3 Core heal-thy concerns?

Support Inner harmony and balance with your wellness goals

1. Mood: stress responses and emotions

2. Nutrition: metabolism, natural flavours and essential vitamins, minerals

3. Biological: probiotics gut health, organic skincare, hair and nails


Receive Free Guide to recipes, rituals and replay's directly to your inbox 📥


Activate your top 3 health issues with three personal rituals and add your oil toolbox!

Print your free Self Care Guide & Checklist below for recipes and ideas to support your journey, or If you are not sure and want help to unlock the core priorities, book a private free wellness  consult and unlock your wellness score.

Day 1: Physical Well-being

Day 2: Emotional Wellness

  • Morning: Practice mindfulness meditation for 15 minutes.

  • Afternoon: Write in a journal about your thoughts and emotions.

  • Evening: Engage in a calming hobby, such as reading, drawing, or listening to soothing music.

Day 3: Social Connection

  • Morning: Reach out to a friend or family member you haven't talked to in a while.

  • Afternoon: Join a social activity, whether in person or online, that interests you.

  • Evening: Have a meaningful conversation with someone you care about.

Day 4: Intellectual Stimulation

Day 5: Creativity and Expression

  • Morning: Engage in a creative activity like painting, writing, or crafting.

  • Afternoon: Visit a local art gallery or museum, or explore art online.

  • Evening: Cook a new recipe and savor the process of creating a delicious meal.

Day 6: Relaxation and Rest

  • Morning: Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your mind.

  • Afternoon: Take a 20-minute power nap or engage in a guided relaxation session.

  • Evening: Dedicate time to your favorite leisure activity, whether it's watching a movie or taking a leisurely stroll.

Day 7: Gratitude and Reflection

Consistency is key to success and your body will feel the shift...

Remember that self-care is a personal journey, so feel free to adjust this program according to your preferences and needs. The goal is to prioritize activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul, helping you achieve a better sense of well-being.

Resources direct to your inbox you might like!

Register Here to access our Private Woman's Circle

Start here, select your self care rituals and step into soulful science that sparks joy!

Recipes & Rituals Workshops

Recording Metabolic Masterclass

Reach Out if you have questions about product or protocols!


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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualied healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

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